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Group Members

Current members in alphabetic order of last names


  • Joe DeRose, Assistant Scientist
    DESI, LSST, cosmology inference, intrinsic alignments;
    email:, office: remote
  • Xiangchong Li, Assistant Scientist
    LSST, HSC, Roman, weak lensing analysis;
    email:, phone: (631) 344 3117; office: 2-10 (Bldg 510)
  • Erin Sheldon, Tenured Scientist
    DES, LSST weak lensing analysis;
    email:, phone: (631) 344 3117; office: 2-8 (Bldg 510)
  • Anže Slosar, Tenured Scientist, Group leader;
    LuSEE Night, LSST data analysis, neutrinos and primordial non-Gaussianity;
    email:, phone: (631) 344 8012; office: 2-6 (Bldg 510)



Associated Members

  • Sven Herrmann, Senior Engineer
    sensor, instrumentation;
    21 cm, CCD, x-ray detectors and readout electronics
  • Morgan May, Scientist Emeritus
    LSST, non-canonical observables sensitive to dark energy;
    email:, phone: (631) 344 3934; office: M1-6 (Bldg 510)
  • Paul O'Connor, Tenured Scientist
    group leader, instrumentation;
    21 cm, CCD, x-ray detectors and readout electronics
    email:, phone (631) 344-7577; office: A-140 (Bldg. 535)
  • Benjamin Saliwanchik, RF Engineer
    21 cm, LuSEE-Night;
    email:, phone (631) 344-; office: M- (Bldg. 535)
  • Paul Stankus, Senior Scientist
    deputy group leader for QIS in BNL Instrumentation;
    21 cm, cosmology, interferometry, quantum optics;
    email:, phone (631) 344-4280; office: M-24 (Bldg. 535)

Former members

  • Andrei Nomerotski, staff
  • Merlin Fisher-Levine, postdoc, now AURA/Rubin staff
  • Tom McClintock, postdoc, now in industry
  • Chi-Ting Chiang , postdoc, now in industry
  • Chris Sheehy, Golhaber Fellow, now in industry
  • Nishikanta Khandai, postdoc, now National Institute of Science Education and Research, India
  • Agnieszka Cieplak, postdoc, now at Space Sciences Laboratory
  • Andrés Plazas Malagón,postdoc, now at SLAC